Craving some Jesus!

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV When I decided to start this blog I was in a different place in life. Having to move forward from people who I love and distance myself from people I thought would be in my life forever. I was sad and devastated! But I kept praying and clinging to the Lord! I eventually moved on because that's life, my heart healed, I am happy again and I noticed I started to slack on my blogs and more importantly my relationship with God! I realize the same way I call on him when I hurt is the same way I need to fight for his attention when I'm happy! I'm human and we all do it I believe. God deserves us at our happiest moments because that's what he wants for us! I've asked him for forgiveness and I ask you the same! I started this because it made me feel alive again and by doing this God has touched many of you through this blog and by the words he allows me to write, I can'...