Get ready!

Wow! All these natural disasters back to back to back...feels like God is coming! May sound cliché but whenever he arrives we just want to be ready because one things for sure, once he's here he "ain't" waiting for us to get it together!

Can you imagine him arriving and you asking for another day, another minute..? I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just saying we have to be ready. Don't limit yourself by given yourself a cut off..what I mean is by saying "when I hit this age", "when I've achieved this goal", "after I finish being wild"... How do you know you'll make it to that age, or you'll achieve that goal, or on your last day you were still being wild! Don't procrastinate with God..with your soul! Get it right!

We made it through Harvey, we made it through Irma now josè is coming.. Do you remember when Noah warned the people about the water coming, they thought that man is crazy! If we hear someone yell FIRRRRREEEEE 🔥...Maybe we'd better listen!

P.s. to those affected by Irma my prayers go up, I personally rode out the strom and she was mad! Just grateful we're all ok!


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