Fast talker

Ever met a person who could  talk a can out of a worm?

One thing I've come to realize about people is that they like to talk! People talk so much nonsense because it sounds good, but they don't actually mean what they say....

That's why I find it hard to trust or believe the things people tell me. I think we've gotten so used to just talking, and making empty promises that we do the same to God!

I know I'm not the only one who has made a promise to God and fail to keep it.. The thing is he already knows you, he can't be fooled by our gibber! He's looking for our actions!

I don't make promises anymore because I know myself...sometimes I'm easily tempted, sometimes my flesh is weak. We are not super human; we're just plan ole human. So we should think before we speak! That way we say what we mean and mean what we say!


  1. What you are doing here is awe-inspiring. "The liberal soul shall be made fat, and she that watereth shall be watered also." So shall it be in your life. God bless you richly.

    1. Wow! Thank you very much ❤

    2. You're welcome. I've so much respect for what you're doing here, and touching lives. The grace to continue this divine mandate is bestowed upon you in Jesus name.


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