Most people want love, but don't know how to love.. Love starts within yourself! If you don't know how to be in love with you, how can you expect someone else to be?

Ever met a relationship hopper?, they just literally bounce from one situation to the next.. Often because they are looking to fill a void, that really no one can fill! People are in such a rush to be in a  relationship for a title, or because they are scared of being alone, or they give themselves a time frame so they just settle, but they never experience or have the opportunity of being to themselves.

That's why so often when people are asked simple questions they can't even give a clear answer.. "What makes you happy? What do you like to do"?  Or my favorite "Tell me about yourself"...

It's ok to be single for a little while..because in that time instead of looking for your next mate, look for yourself! Some times we lose ourselves in our relationships. Date yourself!! I tell you it's a great feeling knowing exactly who you are and what you want. So when the next person comes along you'll be ready for them and prayerfully they'll be the last person!


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