He has a Plan!

Today as I was thinking of a topic I was pondering what to write about. Having total writers block I opened the bible..and started reading about God having a purpose for you and me.. He tells us in Isaiah 29:11.

 How many of you know your purpose? How many are still trying to figure it out? Once we know our purpose we must continue to renew ourselves in him, and ask him to expand us in our purpose; to use us in many ways!

Sometimes it's hard to be the example. We get angry and we question God and ask "why me"?
We have all been there! But why not you? Did you ever stop to think that this trial you're going through was specifically designed just for you.
You are the reason someone else will have it easier because you paved the way. You took the burden to bear the fruit. You now have a testimony.

I must confess I literally had to stop and say "God I don't know what you are doing in my life but thank you in advance".."yes it hurts now, no to me it doesn't make any sense, but I know You! And you love me, so whatever I go through is not meant to cause me harm".

There is so much healing in a confession, in a moment with God, accepting your purpose. Allowing yourself to be pushed in uncomfortable situation causes tremendous growth!

 Writing these blogs, is not a chore it's a fulfillment. If I'm able to let God use me, to touch you, to lift you, encourage and inspire you, than I feel complete! With every blog I grow stronger, more confident and I know it's what I'm supposed to doing in my spirit I feel whole!


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