He's listening!

Have you ever experienced a surreal moment with Christ?

I'll say about 5 or 6 months ago I was in a low place, I remember closing the door to my bedroom and going into my closet (closing that door too) because I didn't want my roommate to hear me and breaking down! Now I'm a strong person I usually don't allow many to see me shed a tear..

I'd go in there and just cry for hours..then I'd pray! This went on for a few weeks, but nobody knew.. I finally asked God to just talk to me, actually I begged him! I've heard people say all the time "the Lord spoke to me", but NEVER actually experienced it for myself.

One of those days I went to my closet to pray and cry and be dramatic about my life (lol probably). I think I fell asleep in the mist of all that, but I promise you his presence was so real! He spoke to me and I know he did. I  heard him tell me "Focus on me, and I'll take care of the rest"! Yes I wanted so much more, but that was everything I needed to hear!

Focusing on the Lord, requires that you get rid of distractions and anything that may be taking his place. Sometimes you may wonder if you made the right choice, sometimes you may miss something or someone you had to let go, but you must know in your heart you're making the best choice and if you forget God has a funny way of reminding you!

...p.s. this picture was taken at work!


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