Society WHO?

Society WHO?

“You are the one who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.” –Luke 16:15 NIV

What society sees and calls monumental, God sees through as calls monstrous. –Luke 16:15 MSG

We tend to care too much on how others view us, what’s popular, what other people are doing, the latest trends, and these so called social media “GOALS”! Worldly gratifications verses Gods satisfaction in us. We don’t care about pleasing God, we care about pleasing ourselves. We care about fitting in, and looking/acting the part. What the “world” says is it or as some of you say is LIT! Sex, Drugs, Lies, Cursing, Cheats, Thieves, Adultery…etc. Why not, everyone is doing it! It’s thrilling, it feels good, and because I want to. We can say whatever we want, but God knows our hearts! God doesn’t necessarily tell us not to do these things, because he wants to take away self-pleasure from us; he tells us these things to protect us.

 [EXAMPLE] Think about it like this, if you’re a parent or a protective sibling, and you tell your child or sibling not to play in the street, because they can get hit by a car. You aren’t necessarily saying No to them because it’s not fun, but it’s to protect them! ...and… Just like you, they have a choice to listen or not. If they disobey its possible they’d get hit by a car. If you disobey, you get hit with the consequences. Sometimes we learn the hard way and its nothing wrong with that, some of us need to be burnt a few times before we give in or the lesson is learned. Of course we aren’t perfect and we will far short millions of times. What counts is that we repent, pray, and that we truly are honest with ourselves; that we don’t keep making the same mistakes we are supposed to be learning from.  Who cares what society thinks! God has already made us unique, talented, and special; we all have a different journey, and God has designed purposes for us. So why be like anyone else? If that make “them” consider you weird…BE WEIRD!

P.S. The bible tells us that when lost souls find their way to Christ that angels rejoice!

Luke 15:10 NIV

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”


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