Be honest with yourself!

If we married a love like the love with give God, would our marriage last?... wHoA!

We have to be honest with ourselves! Honestly I think I'd be divorced, but fighting for my marriage... God requires our attention, and our love, just like we do in a relationship! Now I'm certain we've all been in a relationship with someone whom we loved but something may have been lacking; communication, attentiveness, etc. which cause you to come to an end...Remember how you felt? Not so good huh because you wanted so badly for it to work. God feels even worst! He created us. Now I don't have kids yet, but some of you may, can you imagine your children denying you love? Not speaking to you? Unimaginable right...

We have got to start setting time for our Father! He loves us endlessly. Let's stop breaking his heart, let's stop doing the unimaginable to him. Now he knows we are humans and flawed to the max, don't beat yourself up, just start over again until you get it right! Let's make our marriages last!


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