No Exception!

Declare this with me...
I am strong
I am not passive
I am not taking bull crab from anyone
I will be respected
No exception, Issa DEMAND!

You were not placed here to be disrespected, to go with the flow or to be a push over.. I'm sorry but you were given a voice not to be mute but to spread glory! So many times people are intimated by others..why? We are all equally created. Yes your gifts may be different from mines, but neither of us is better than the other..right?

Stop being placed in the back seat when you should be demanding the front! Stop begging for respect and start demanding it. Nobody looking for you, look for yourself. Nobody's going to love you like you love you, so love love love yourself! Stop being afraid to speak up and be heard! Start having some assertiveness about yourself!

I'm tried of seeing people being torn down, humiliated, and deterred because of a lack of confidence, and low self esteem.. I know for a FACT God did not look at you and say, "I'm going to create you in my image; weak and timid" boom... that ends today! It starts with you!


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