Sweet Revenge, or a Forgiving Heart!

“ ‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord".
Leviticus 19:18 NIV

Have you been in a situation where you've been the one who was mistreated, done dirty, and disrespected? I have, and it doesn't feel good...it hurts! What do hurt people do? They hurt people... so the cycle would I assume continue..you hurt me I hurt you back and so on.. As Christians we do nothing! You hurt me, I'll hurt but let it go! Allowing God to handle my situation according to his will, not according to my feelings!

<<The bible tells us that revenge is not ours!
"Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for Godʼs wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord".
Romans 12:19 NIV>>

Then in the following verse God tells us, ['if they (the person who hurt you) are hungry feed them, if they are thirsty provide them with something to drink']! It takes a strong person to endure pain especially from someone whom you love and just walk away! Not allowing yourself to be overcome with evil but over come by good through christ! I tell you that is LOVE! You hurt me, but I love you enough to take it and walk away because I love you too much to hurt you back! That is obedience, because it's God's choice how and when they deserve their punishment. That's faith because you've totally given him yourself and your trust!

Revenge is not ours! And if you've let it go you have no business waiting for the next persons downfall! It kills me when ppl want to watch or wait for the Wrath of God towards someone who hurt them.. why? Their downfall is not your glory! Let it go, forgive them, and you just keep living!


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