
Showing posts from 2018

Living life through the spirit

Choosing what is right can be difficult, especially when valuing the opinion of man! Most often people do, what they do to fit in, because society has deemed it acceptable, cool, the “it” thing to do, and made it “ok”! Jesus didn’t fit in; he was unique, he was talked about, made front of, and eventually put on the cross to die. Not once did he waiver, he knew exactly what he was doing, who he was doing it for, and where he was headed! We were created in his image, meaning just as Jesus we have the same uniqueness about us; we embody his creativity characteristic, even imperfectly.        In the bible Roman chapter 8 (1-4; the rest of the chapter goes more in dept.) basically says the laws of sin and death were powerless, because the flesh was weak ….Honestly we are still weak; every day is a battle between our spirit and our flesh! Romans Ch.8 (1-4; the rest of the chapter goes more in dept.) also goes on to tell us that is why God sent his only son as an offering so that we

Spiritual Gifts

                       Today’s message is coming from 1 Corinthians 12 & 13      In this chapter God talks about our spiritual gifts and pretty much how the gifts we’re given are for everyone’s purpose (not just for you). Together we are his body. We all have gifts right? Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Prophecy, Discernment, Speaking in tongues, Interpreting tongues, and LOVE with love being the greatest of all (13:13)…   But we are all a part of ONE BODY! He uses our body as an example saying (12:12) Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body… He goes on to say “your body has many parts (organs, limbs, cells and so on ) but it’s one body” . It’s exactly the same way with Christ! When it comes to our spiritual gifts; each person is given something to do that shows exactly who God is! Just as with our body’s we can’t say to the ear I’m tired of you, you are fired! If the body was all eye, how could it hear? If all ear, how could it

Society WHO?

Society WHO? “You are the one who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.” –Luke 16:15 NIV What society sees and calls monumental, God sees through as calls monstrous. –Luke 16:15 MSG We tend to care too much on how others view us, what’s popular, what other people are doing, the latest trends, and these so called social media “GOALS” ! Worldly gratifications verses Gods satisfaction in us. We don’t care about pleasing God, we care about pleasing ourselves. We care about fitting in, and looking/acting the part. What the “world” says is it or as some of you say is LIT! Sex, Drugs, Lies, Cursing, Cheats, Thieves, Adultery…etc. Why not, everyone is doing it! It’s thrilling, it feels good, and because I want to. We can say whatever we want, but God knows our hearts! God doesn’t necessarily tell us not to do these things, because he wants to take away self-pleasure from us; he tells us t

When God says NO..

Today I leave you with this powerful video message!


MY FAITHFUL RETURN Don’t stop believing Keep pursuing Keep praying Keep pushing As I have continued to run away from this blogging thing, I felt God strongly pulling me back! He’s been using my brothers, and my friends to direct me back to writing about him. Writing for him! I admit I fell and bumped my head somewhere.   I wasn’t going to church faithfully or even faithfully reading or studying his word as I know I ought to. I was faithfully praying for his blessings and grace though, let’s just be honest. I’m finally at this stage of contentment, and experiencing joy and the peace that he has promised, and yet I stop everything, like  yep  thanks God!  I’m good now, I’m happy and I have peace!!!  Wow girl… Well, He has been calling out to me ( gently ; I’m grateful because I don’t deserve it) and I’m finally ready to listen. I’ve been slowly getting back on track and doing my best to lead by example. I thought, ok, once I fully get myself together, I will get back to wr