Living life through the spirit

Choosing what is right can be difficult, especially when valuing the opinion of man! Most often people do, what they do to fit in, because society has deemed it acceptable, cool, the “it” thing to do, and made it “ok”!

Jesus didn’t fit in; he was unique, he was talked about, made front of, and eventually put on the cross to die. Not once did he waiver, he knew exactly what he was doing, who he was doing it for, and where he was headed! We were created in his image, meaning just as Jesus we have the same uniqueness about us; we embody his creativity characteristic, even imperfectly.

      In the bible Roman chapter 8 (1-4; the rest of the chapter goes more in dept.) basically says the laws of sin and death were powerless, because the flesh was weak….Honestly we are still weak; every day is a battle between our spirit and our flesh! Romans Ch.8 (1-4; the rest of the chapter goes more in dept.) also goes on to tell us that is why God sent his only son as an offering so that we may be condemned in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us.

 We are set free and we have open communication with Christ our father. Every day is a choice, and we can do our life as we choose! We should make a conscious effort to focus on walking and cultivating on the path God has laid out for us. A path so crystal clear, that can’t be altered or broken. A path of eternal life; uniqueness, spiritual gifts, spiritual guidance, love, faith, and peace!

Bible verse: Proverbs 23:19

“Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path”


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