Get Out Your Feelings!

Being caught up in your feelings, will have you missing out on life! Get out your feelings!! Someone doesn't want to be with you, stop crying over them, and move on, because some one is out there literally praying for someone like you! They don't want to hire you, don't feel let down, pick your self up and fill out another application! Don't get caught up in your emotions that when you get your first couple NO'S you shut down, you just give up...what happen to "when they shut the door on you, you going through the window"?! Get out your feelings and get the roses! Stop over thinking each situation, unhappy with yourself CHANGE! That's the beautiful thing about life!! Don't prolong your blessings being stuck in a rut!

Now I don't like when people say "miss out on your blessings", and then go to say "if God has something for you, then it's for you" see how that can be contradicting. Honestly I don't think it's even possible for us to get in our way of what God has in store for us, but I do think we prolong them! Correct me if I'm wrong, I actually haven't read about that in the I'd like to be biblical correct. Anyhow you get the point! Get up, move forward with your life, laugh again it's good for your soul, love again it's good for your heart, and live again for yourself! Lives to short to cry over spilled milk, "Get out yo feelings" and pour another glass!


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