Is Your Word ENOUGH?

Ever been in a relationship, with someone who told you up and down how much they loved you, but yet you didn't feel loved, because of their actions! God feels the same way about some of us! The difference is he can actually see our hearts!

Telling God how much we love him is cool, but it's not enough and it doesn't really mean anything! Our actions do; he said "study to show thyself approved", 2 Timothy 2:15! That's one way for us to show God how much we love him! I'm guilty of not studying, I'm actually terrible! A goal of mine is to be able to quote scriptures and when someone ask me of something be able to tell them right where to look! The problem is I don't study enough! It's not enough to love him with words! Just think about yourself and how you'd feel..would words really be enough?

He actually tells us in Isaiah 29:13 (paraphrased..) "We worship with our mouth, honor with our lips, but our hearts are far from him" then he goes to say "our worship is only what we've been taught by other humans"! Hmmm....makes you really THINK!
 Studying for ourselves is SO IMPORTANT; we can not base our knowledge of God or anything merely on what others tell us! For he knows our hearts, and he requires actions, and quality time from us, just as we want from our significant others!


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