What goes around comes around

"Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else."
            1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV

This is one verse that's hard for many to live by, because every body is so interested in "KARMA" , or the act of "REVENGE". It's hard for many to be ok with loving, or even being kind towards someone, whom they feel has hurt them or did them wrong! ...and if that's you, today I'm going to tell you, that you are human, and that it is ok. Be upset, be hurt, be mad, but get over it. Forgive, with all your might, forgive just as you'd ask God to forgive you, and love, with all your heart, love them anyway just as you want God to love you!

It's definitely not an easy thing to do, but it's something you have to make a conscious effort on, something that may require daily attention on your behalf and if you slip off, just pick right back up. Prayer is your power. Push through! At work, at home, at church, where ever you feel attacked; the enemy is everywhere preying on you! Waiting to get at the core by messing with your money, your family and friends, and your spirit. The act of revenge is not ours, God will handle everything accordingly I promise! Our job is to spread his word and his love!


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