
Showing posts from April, 2017

Life is a Journey!

Good morning!.. there comes a point in our lives when we look at ourselves and decide to make some improvements! I want to reassure you: "Working on yourself is not selfish"!..and their is no specific time or time frame when God has put it in your heart, mind and soul that it is time for a change! Time to be made over!! Anyone who isn't on board with this, well maybe their time in your life has expired! When God is PUSHING you forward don't allow the enemy to pull you back! Maybe you've realize that you haven't been loving yourself properly, maybe you've been given all your time, attention and efforts towards someone else, and have neglected yourself! Or maybe you are just ready for a change! Whatever your reason is GO FOR IT, not tomorrow but today! I pray whatever God has placed on your heart that you pursue it, and also that he places you at the right place at the right time with the right people! guys!!! We've made it through wee


No matter how dark a situation is God can turn it away immediately! Doesn't  that feel good! Knowing that he is always at work, always working on something in your favor for your greatness! Knowing that you don't have to consume yourself in worry or stress! It doesn't matter how big, how small, or even how unfair or difficult your situation may seem, he is a man of his word; take heed to his promises! Now...don't go looking into everyone else's life and start picking; "look at her, how's she always getting blessed, I KNOW she doesn't even pray!" , "He always gets away with  (murder), every single time I do something I always get caught"! Or "My life is so unfair, my relationships never workout in my favor, I always get the short end of the stick"! You'll never see the full potential of what God wants to bless you with, because your blocking your blessings with your attitude! Ask God to open your eyes, give you patience

If God is all you have...

I've been listening this the song called, 'My Everything', by a new gospel artist named, Briana Babineaux. I started to really listen to the lyrics and they go: "If I had everything, and I lost everything, and you were the only thing, I'd still have everything"! How many of us would be totally satisfied if we had nothing to our name but Jesus? How many of us would be angry with God if that were the case? Everything that you think is yours, is actually his! He allows us to borrow from him, he wants us to be happy! Some people don't have anything, look around your city and see all the homeless people walking you help them? Buy them something to eat, say a prayer for them, or do you just walk by ignoring them? Remember that could easily be you! Did you realize that everytime you give to the poor, you are giving to God! Their are several scriptures but today I'll give you one; Proverbs 19:17 says, "Whoever is kind to the poor lends t

Ask for Discernment

Sometime we push our blessings right out of our lives! Why? Why do we tend to push away the people who actually care about us. By the time you realize it's usually too late! Make sure to seize the moment and appreciate the good people God has placed into your life! The devil will trick you and come disguised exactly how you like him; have you feeling good and then ruin your world quicker than you can blink. We all are guilty of this, we must ask God to bless us with incredible discernment so we aren't quick to fall victim to foolishness that will hurt us in the long run. I challenge you today to evaluate the people in your life, ask God to remove anyone who wasn't sent directly from him! Don't be afraid of losing people you thought would be around for a lifetime, because it's all apart of growth, and they could possibly be holding you back from your full potential! Ask for God to prepare your heart, to guard your heart, and then no longer focus on it! God will h

Replacing pain with FAITH!

Hello everyone! Today I want "us" to focus on softening our hearts! In life we go through so many different situations that it causes us to actually harden our hearts; a form of protection so we can avoid being hurt like we were once before. Sometimes we have to trust God to protect our hearts; we don't always have to be the bodyguard ! That is when we will get uncomfortable, that is when fear comes into our hearts, because we "fear" the unknown, and if you're like me....sometimes you like to be in control! That's when you just got to have some FAITH! You just have to know, "I need not to worry", "I just have to believe"! Gods got yo back, believe that! I pray over all of you today for incredible favor and increased FAITH!

About me and my new blog!

Hello everyone! I want to start off by sharing a little bit about myself, and what I want the basis of my blog to be! I'm 27, working on strengthening my relationship with Christ! Being young and celibate, and just trying to have a healthy relationship with the Lord I've found challenging when you lack the correct support! I'm here to extend some encourment towards someone in need, and along the way spiritually lift you. I feel God has given me the gift of gab; so I should use it in a positive way.  I've learned over the years that I love to lift people's spirits and place a bit of my sunshine in the life of others! So my blog will be all about empowerment, inspiration and a sprinkle of blessing! This blog is for anyone wanting some motivational, and encouraging words! So I hope to touch your spirit as God leads me!