About me and my new blog!

Hello everyone!

I want to start off by sharing a little bit about myself, and what I want the basis of my blog to be!

I'm 27, working on strengthening my relationship with Christ! Being young and celibate, and just trying to have a healthy relationship with the Lord I've found challenging when you lack the correct support! I'm here to extend some encourment towards someone in need, and along the way spiritually lift you. I feel God has given me the gift of gab; so I should use it in a positive way.  I've learned over the years that I love to lift people's spirits and place a bit of my sunshine in the life of others! So my blog will be all about empowerment, inspiration and a sprinkle of blessing! This blog is for anyone wanting some motivational, and encouraging words! So I hope to touch your spirit as God leads me!


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