Ask for Discernment

Sometime we push our blessings right out of our lives! Why? Why do we tend to push away the people who actually care about us. By the time you realize it's usually too late! Make sure to seize the moment and appreciate the good people God has placed into your life!

The devil will trick you and come disguised exactly how you like him; have you feeling good and then ruin your world quicker than you can blink. We all are guilty of this, we must ask God to bless us with incredible discernment so we aren't quick to fall victim to foolishness that will hurt us in the long run.

I challenge you today to evaluate the people in your life, ask God to remove anyone who wasn't sent directly from him! Don't be afraid of losing people you thought would be around for a lifetime, because it's all apart of growth, and they could possibly be holding you back from your full potential! Ask for God to prepare your heart, to guard your heart, and then no longer focus on it! God will handle the rest!

Let him work while you sleep! My prayer for us today, is that God bless us with discernment! That he Block the people in our lives who weren't sent by him, and that he bless us with people in our lives to help us to our full potential!


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