
Showing posts from July, 2017

The key!

You're asking, but are you preparing? Are you in any position to receive the things you are asking for? If you're not ready, start getting ready today! Don't put on tomorrow what you can do today! Stop procrastinating!! This is the  KEY! Preparation provokes manifestation!!! So get ready for the things that you pray for!

Be Cool!

Keep your cool! Whatever you do, don't allow anything or anyone to steal your joy or dim you light! You keep shining! No matter how bad your day has started its bound to get better just keep smiling,  its ok to be mad! Be mad, but dont stay mad; remember your attitude determines your altitude!

Love Language!

So we talked about this in church and I think it's important to know these things when starting or just being in a committed relationship. What is your love language? What is it that your significant other can do or does that you love. For some it's physical (holding hands), others actions (doing dishes). I think in order to have a healthy relationship you must know each other's love language. Out of all my few serious relationships I never once even knew I had a love language so it was never a discussion but who knows might have helped! If you're single figure out what you language is now so your next relationship you'll be able to let them know and if you are in a relationship now it'll be really nice to have this discussion with your partner and see what  positive changes can be made to better please one another!

He'd do it again!

Created in his image, thought the world of, loved to the end of the world! You are enough! In case you forgot, you are more than enough! Your presence, your love, your life! You are beautiful, his lovely creation!

Think about it!

Don't leave this earth having let everyone else use you, but God!... We get used on a daily for what we can do for someone else! Whether it be your kids, family members or even friends; we all have something to offer that benefits another person. You've been used! Don't get so used up that when it comes to God needing and wanting to use you, you're too tired, or questioning him why it has to be you! Allow him to use you! You may not fully understand his reasoning, but know their is a reason and it's only for your good!

He's listening!

Have you ever experienced a surreal moment with Christ? I'll say about 5 or 6 months ago I was in a low place, I remember closing the door to my bedroom and going into my closet (closing that door too) because I didn't want my roommate to hear me and breaking down! Now I'm a strong person I usually don't allow many to see me shed a tear.. I'd go in there and just cry for hours..then I'd pray! This went on for a few weeks, but nobody knew.. I finally asked God to just talk to me, actually I begged him! I've heard people say all the time "the Lord spoke to me", but NEVER actually experienced it for myself. One of those days I went to my closet to pray and cry and be dramatic about my life (lol probably). I think I fell asleep in the mist of all that, but I promise you his presence was so real! He spoke to me and I know he did. I  heard him tell me "Focus on me, and I'll take care of the rest"! Yes I wanted so much more, but tha

Ready or not!

Are you ready? When you least expect it, God always shows up to show out, and he is always right on time! He knows exactly what we need, and when we need it! You've been asking, but are you preparing? Are you in any position to receive the things you are asking for? If you're not ready, start getting ready today! Don't put on tomorrow what you can do today! Stop procrastinating!! Preparation provokes manifestation!!! So get ready for the things that you pray for!

Just Pray!

Lord give me the strength to trust what it is you're doing in my life, give me the patience to not get be side myself and move ahead of you! Guide me and give me the courage to follow you! Let me not be fooled or distracted. Fill my life with positive people, who can encourage a positive attitude, mindset and heart; who will add to my life and not dimmer my light! Please help me to keep guard and protect my heart from those who mean me no good. I pray that you clear my mind of all evil thoughts and replace them with good ones. ..........................Sometimes we just need to break down where we are and start pouring out our hearts to him! How intimate it is and such a privilege to be able to communicate with him, whenever , where ever! This is me vulnerable and open! And I don't care because somebody needed this today, somebody feels me. Open up your hearts and your mouths (a close mouth doesn't get fed) and speak with your father! He's waiting!


Most people want love, but don't know how to love.. Love starts within yourself! If you don't know how to be in love with you, how can you expect someone else to be? Ever met a relationship hopper?, they just literally bounce from one situation to the next.. Often because they are looking to fill a void, that really no one can fill! People are in such a rush to be in a  relationship for a title, or because they are scared of being alone, or they give themselves a time frame so they just settle, but they never experience or have the opportunity of being to themselves. That's why so often when people are asked simple questions they can't even give a clear answer.. "What makes you happy? What do you like to do"?  Or my favorite "Tell me about yourself"... It's ok to be single for a little while..because in that time instead of looking for your next mate, look for yourself! Some times we lose ourselves in our relationships. Date yourself!! I

Who's MAD?

Be not easily angered! Control your temper, allow no one the power of upsetting you, taking you out of character, or losing your cool! Even if you are mad why give someone the privilege of thinking they accomplished something? Ephesians 4:26 tells us it is ok to be angry, but not to allow that anger to cause us to sin! I know you've heard "do not go to bed angry!" This is also the verse that tells us, not to let the sun go down and we still be angry! I'm so glad he tells us this because life is not promised! The last thing you want to do is go to sleep angry at someone whom you love and never get to tell them again... God doesn't want us having that guilt, that's why he tells us. So be angry, sin not, and then get over it!

No Refills

Good morning! Short and sweet ❤ People must understand the value of other people's time! If you have the pleasure of occupying someones time respect it, because that's one of the few things in life they can't get back! No refills, no chance after chances, no time stopping, once it's gone it's definitely gone.

No Exception!

Declare this with me... I am strong I am not passive I am not taking bull crab from anyone I will be respected No exception, Issa DEMAND! You were not placed here to be disrespected, to go with the flow or to be a push over.. I'm sorry but you were given a voice not to be mute but to spread glory! So many times people are intimated by others..why? We are all equally created. Yes your gifts may be different from mines, but neither of us is better than the other..right? Stop being placed in the back seat when you should be demanding the front! Stop begging for respect and start demanding it. Nobody looking for you, look for yourself. Nobody's going to love you like you love you, so love love love yourself! Stop being afraid to speak up and be heard! Start having some assertiveness about yourself! I'm tried of seeing people being torn down, humiliated, and deterred because of a lack of confidence, and low self esteem.. I know for a FACT God did not look at you an

Fast talker

Ever met a person who could  talk a can out of a worm? One thing I've come to realize about people is that they like to talk! People talk so much nonsense because it sounds good, but they don't actually mean what they say.... That's why I find it hard to trust or believe the things people tell me. I think we've gotten so used to just talking, and making empty promises that we do the same to God! I know I'm not the only one who has made a promise to God and fail to keep it.. The thing is he already knows you, he can't be fooled by our gibber! He's looking for our actions! I don't make promises anymore because I know myself...sometimes I'm easily tempted, sometimes my flesh is weak. We are not super human; we're just plan ole human. So we should think before we speak! That way we say what we mean and mean what we say!

He has a Plan!

Today as I was thinking of a topic I was pondering what to write about. Having total writers block I opened the bible..and started reading about God having a purpose for you and me.. He tells us in Isaiah 29:11.  How many of you know your purpose? How many are still trying to figure it out? Once we know our purpose we must continue to renew ourselves in him, and ask him to expand us in our purpose; to use us in many ways! Sometimes it's hard to be the example. We get angry and we question God and ask "why me"? We have all been there! But why not you? Did you ever stop to think that this trial you're going through was specifically designed just for you. You are the reason someone else will have it easier because you paved the way. You took the burden to bear the fruit. You now have a testimony. I must confess I literally had to stop and say "God I don't know what you are doing in my life but thank you in advance".."yes it hurts now, no to

Be honest with yourself!

If we married a love like the love with give God, would our marriage last?... wHoA! We have to be honest with ourselves! Honestly I think I'd be divorced, but fighting for my marriage... God requires our attention, and our love, just like we do in a relationship! Now I'm certain we've all been in a relationship with someone whom we loved but something may have been lacking; communication, attentiveness, etc. which cause you to come to an end...Remember how you felt? Not so good huh because you wanted so badly for it to work. God feels even worst! He created us. Now I don't have kids yet, but some of you may, can you imagine your children denying you love? Not speaking to you? Unimaginable right... We have got to start setting time for our Father! He loves us endlessly. Let's stop breaking his heart, let's stop doing the unimaginable to him. Now he knows we are humans and flawed to the max, don't beat yourself up, just start over again until you get it