
Showing posts from August, 2017

He's a WAY MAKER!!

We know God is a WAY maker, MIRACLE worker, PROMISE keeper, he's our light in our darkness! Right now Texas is suffering, but we know God is a supernatural God, a God who performs miracles! If you were affected or have family members or friends who are affected, my heart truly goes out and prayers are definitely going up! God can turn this disaster right around, I love how I've seen the people COME TOGETHER, and all the love and support, everyone lending a hand, and that is nothing but God! People praising God that they were rescued, and just being thankful; thanking him and praising him in the mist of it all! God is going to make a way! He is going to move mountains, and remove hurdles! Hurricane Harvey is nothing compared to God! So to everyone suffering whether physically or emotionally my hearts goes out! We are praying and God is listening!                   

You tried hard...but did you try God!

When you've tried everything! When exhausted all possibilities! When you've given up hope! You tried hard....but did you try God? Sometimes we allow him control but only over certain aspects of our lives...the part we know he's got! The other parts of us he wants to extend his hand towards we push away! "God I got this"! It isn't until we've run out of resources, patience, strength, and possibilities  that we let go of the control panel and actually allow him to work! We know God is a mighty God, a super natural God, an awesome God, a God without limitations! We've witness him take care of us in our times of need. We've felt his presence! We know his love! But we doubt him... We limit him... We grow impatient with him.. We give up on him.. You tried hard..Now it's time to TRUST GOD!

Let's pray!

Good afternoon! Today I want to do something different! It's all about prayer requests!! I want to pray with you, over you, and for you! I also ask you do the same for me. If you don't know my name is Brittany, I ask you mention me by name. The bible tells us when two or more come together he is listening so LET'S PRAY! Prayer request: I ask for forgiveness, because I have fallen short.. I need prayer for increased faith and fully trusting God to handle all my needs...and know that he doesn't need my help! Lately I feel I've been unappreciative, because of multiple situations my attitude is not me and I don't like it! I ask you pray over my heart and that I have more gratitude! Thank you! Feel free to text me, email me or leave behind a comment and I'll be happy to pray over you today! Email:


Fix it Jesus! I ain't rushing you! I'll wait!!!  Who all is going to wait 🙋🙋🙋. Just some afternoon joy! Hope your having an amazing day!

I've come to far!

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV Don't give up! ~Be strong as the Lord has told us! ~Remember: Patience is a virtue! ~Good things come to those who pray, believe, and wait on the Lord! ~Don't THINK your blessings are coming, KNOW they are, and thank him in advance with a grateful heart! You've come to far and seen too much to have doubt! You know his love for you is real, and endless! Don't give up now!

Praise HIM 👑

Good morning!  Today, take a break and just praise him wherever you are! Just thank him for allowing you another day. For trusting you to achieve the purpose on your life. For loving you! For making a way out of no way! Heyyyyyyyyyy! Want he do it 🖐! Praise him however you do! You may be at work right now, not wanting to be there, but keep thanking him! Be grateful!!! He can upgrade your situation before you can blink an eye! He moves mountains! He performs miracles! Prayer changes lives!! If you believe in him and his supernatural blessings, than you truly know with God possibilities are ENDLESS! Have a great day

Future me....

Dear future me! You are amazing, everything you went through helped developed you into an amazing woman! One who's caring, strong, and God fearing! You overcome obstacles and got out of difficult situations you never thought you would. You survived heart breaks, and set backs. You travel this world, you are fun, intriguing and you are wise. You are at peace, and have incredible joy. You love, laugh, smile and dance. Nothing worries you because you hand everything over to God! You are renewed in spirit and heart. You inspire, motivate, and captivate others. You are a wife, a cool mother, and an example! Your goals have shifted; pleasing God is your goal! Bringing others to Christ is your passion. Dear future me.....girl you are unstoppable, determined, and unbothered by nonsense! You represent good will, Gods grace and exude LOVE!                   ....what ever you're facing, won't be your forever.  I encourage you to write yourself a letter and it doesn't matter


YOU are.... Beautiful Smart Brave Out going Kind Loveable Selfless ...and the list could go on and on! But you didn't need me to validate what God already deemed! Why do we look for vaildation in people! who are just like us? Self love is soooooooooo majorly important! Understanding God's love for you, and believing in it!  Not one of us is greater than the next... No matter how well liked you are, how much money you have..when it comes to God you and I are EQUAL! He's the only one we should seek approval from! So next time you take a look at yourself in the mirror, you remind yourself! You don't need the next man, or woman to tell you, because you already know! You were created from majesty, Lord of Lord's and high of highs! The moment he laid hand's on you it was already deemed over your life! All the validation you'd ever need, you'll find in Christ!

🐠 All The Fish In The Sea 🐠

     Out of all the fish in the sea God created you special and unique. He took his time and made you different from the rest. He made sure that no other was like you! You were handled delicately! He created you with purpose. He made you the one and only. Straight out of pure love. You were born as his child. Then he allowed you this earthly body in which you are borrowing! Oooooooou! Yes your body is borrowed! With that being said..quick question; how have you been treating yourself? How have you allowed others to treat you? Idk about you, but when I borrow something, I try to treat other peoples belongings better than I treat my own. The thing is we don't look at our bodies as borrowed..we say things like "it's my body", but it's really not!  Our bodies are our temples!. . .  "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore h

Somebody's Miracle!

Guess what! Somebody right now needs you in there life! Somebody is on there knees begging and pleading with God for a positive change, a positive impact, a positive shift in their life! You just may be the positive force God is preparing to help somebody through! You are somebody's inspiration, somebody's motivation, somebody's positive push! Somebody's role model!! Bringing souls to christ is a privilege and God trusted you to do so! It's also a choice! You may have that person in life, who pushes you when you fall short, who encourages you with love, and never judges you when you're wrong, who points you back to Christ when you've gone astray!  I'm asking you to extend your arms with love, and allow God to users you to be someone else's miracle! Be the vessel God uses to touch a lost soul, to pick someone up when they have fallen! Have you ever heard that song, "What if God was one of us"? You never know who you're help or

God comes 1st!

Are you putting your wants and desires before God?                       God tells us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 NIV That right there let's us know, no matter what we want in life, it all come through, and from our heavenly Father! We are nothing without him, and I can tell you, you won't get very far before calling on him for help, and guidance! We also know he is a jealous God, he wants no man or nothing coming before him or taking his place in your life, and in your heart! So those desires you may have, whether it's a job, a husband/wife, a new house, a baby, etc. Make sure you desire those things secondary to God! He comes first; I know it's easy to want these things and place God behind the things we desire, because they are in our face and we are surrounded by it in our daily life's, but we must remember this life is only temporary!

Make me over!

Make me over! Lord I don't want to be the same, make me brand new! Renew my heart, my spirit, and my mind! Help me to be in alignment with you! Help me to look into this world with new eyes! Sometimes you just need a hug, and to be told everything is going to be alright! When rededicating your life it can be a beautiful transition, it can also be hard! Some people in your life won't understand why or what you're doing, and they may not be on board or supportive! Don't be afraid, don't fall off track! I'm here today to tell you to keep pushing, keep praying and pursuing God! This song I'm leaving here today touches me everytime I listen to it, the lyrics are EXACTLY what I've been asking him! I hope today you feel it too, whether it makes you smile or cry!

A suitable mate!

Butterflies in your stomach, fireworks, head spinning, sparks in your eyes, heart beating a 1000 miles per hour! You know what those are...your feelings! We think that's love, why? I know, because watch a lot of TV, and listen to a lot of love songs and it's got us all confused! I've been gone for 5 days! Joined a group which focused on praying for your future spouse! Some of you may have been in the group and it was very uplifting and motivation!  For those who missed it, one of the topics was 'finding someone suitable' for you! Not someone who just makes you googly-eyed, because your feelings can and are bound to change! When dating, we should really focus on getting to know a person, making sure they are suitable for us, and our lifestyle, and or future lifestyle! I remember getting so irritated with this guy, because he literally made me feel like I was on an interview! Honestly he was just trying to get to know me, but I had already made it up in my


Good morning! Forgiveness is a major part in moving forward! If you can let go of hurt, you can open the door for God's beautiful blessings! Sometimes forgiving those who have caused you pain is hard, because you may feel betrayed, but we must remember we are all HUMAN! Broken people hurt people, happy people hurt people..people hurt people! That is why we seek Christ! Today I encourage you to place forgiveness in your heart and work on letting go! Allowing God to move through you. Forgive so you can move forward!