You tried hard...but did you try God!

When you've tried everything! When exhausted all possibilities! When you've given up hope! You tried hard....but did you try God?

Sometimes we allow him control but only over certain aspects of our lives...the part we know he's got! The other parts of us he wants to extend his hand towards we push away! "God I got this"! It isn't until we've run out of resources, patience, strength, and possibilities  that we let go of the control panel and actually allow him to work!

We know God is a mighty God, a super natural God, an awesome God, a God without limitations! We've witness him take care of us in our times of need. We've felt his presence! We know his love! But we doubt him... We limit him... We grow impatient with him.. We give up on him.. You tried hard..Now it's time to TRUST GOD!


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