Future me....

Dear future me!

You are amazing, everything you went through helped developed you into an amazing woman! One who's caring, strong, and God fearing! You overcome obstacles and got out of difficult situations you never thought you would. You survived heart breaks, and set backs. You travel this world, you are fun, intriguing and you are wise. You are at peace, and have incredible joy. You love, laugh, smile and dance. Nothing worries you because you hand everything over to God! You are renewed in spirit and heart. You inspire, motivate, and captivate others. You are a wife, a cool mother, and an example! Your goals have shifted; pleasing God is your goal! Bringing others to Christ is your passion. Dear future me.....girl you are unstoppable, determined, and unbothered by nonsense! You represent good will, Gods grace and exude LOVE!


....what ever you're facing, won't be your forever.  I encourage you to write yourself a letter and it doesn't matter how old or how young! Change can happen as soon as today. How important is it to you is the question. Speak positive over your life, show yourself some TLC!


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