Somebody's Miracle!

Guess what! Somebody right now needs you in there life! Somebody is on there knees begging and pleading with God for a positive change, a positive impact, a positive shift in their life! You just may be the positive force God is preparing to help somebody through! You are somebody's inspiration, somebody's motivation, somebody's positive push! Somebody's role model!!

Bringing souls to christ is a privilege and God trusted you to do so! It's also a choice! You may have that person in life, who pushes you when you fall short, who encourages you with love, and never judges you when you're wrong, who points you back to Christ when you've gone astray! 

I'm asking you to extend your arms with love, and allow God to users you to be someone else's miracle! Be the vessel God uses to touch a lost soul, to pick someone up when they have fallen! Have you ever heard that song, "What if God was one of us"? You never know who you're help or extending love to...angels are all around us!


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