🐠 All The Fish In The Sea 🐠

     Out of all the fish in the sea God created you special and unique. He took his time and made you different from the rest. He made sure that no other was like you! You were handled delicately! He created you with purpose. He made you the one and only. Straight out of pure love. You were born as his child. Then he allowed you this earthly body in which you are borrowing! Oooooooou! Yes your body is borrowed!

With that being said..quick question; how have you been treating yourself? How have you allowed others to treat you? Idk about you, but when I borrow something, I try to treat other peoples belongings better than I treat my own. The thing is we don't look at our bodies as borrowed..we say things like "it's my body", but it's really not!

 Our bodies are our temples!. . .  "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV

We should respect God and his artsmanship! So if you haven't been treating your body as a temple, guess what! You can start today, right now! Tomorrow isn't promised, so don't put it off.


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