A suitable mate!

Butterflies in your stomach, fireworks, head spinning, sparks in your eyes, heart beating a 1000 miles per hour! You know what those are...your feelings! We think that's love, why? I know, because watch a lot of TV, and listen to a lot of love songs and it's got us all confused!

I've been gone for 5 days! Joined a group which focused on praying for your future spouse! Some of you may have been in the group and it was very uplifting and motivation!  For those who missed it, one of the topics was 'finding someone suitable' for you! Not someone who just makes you googly-eyed, because your feelings can and are bound to change!

When dating, we should really focus on getting to know a person, making sure they are suitable for us, and our lifestyle, and or future lifestyle! I remember getting so irritated with this guy, because he literally made me feel like I was on an interview! Honestly he was just trying to get to know me, but I had already made it up in my mind, that it was a NO GO for me! before even given him a chance, because I didn't find him physically attractive, but I never opened my mind to his heart!

Honestly whomever I decide to allow romantically in my life I want to be attracted to, and thats ok, but we must be careful with that and remember the goal! The goal is a suitable mate! So, the path that I choice excludes a worldly lifestyle, so in order to be equally yoked as the bible tells us my suitable mate has to be on the same path or headed towards the same path as me! In other words your suitable mate wouldn't pull you from Christ, but instead draw you near!


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