God comes 1st!

God tells us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5 NIV
That right there let's us know, no matter what we want in life, it all come through, and from our heavenly Father! We are nothing without him, and I can tell you, you won't get very far before calling on him for help, and guidance! We also know he is a jealous God, he wants no man or nothing coming before him or taking his place in your life, and in your heart!
So those desires you may have, whether it's a job, a husband/wife, a new house, a baby, etc. Make sure you desire those things secondary to God! He comes first; I know it's easy to want these things and place God behind the things we desire, because they are in our face and we are surrounded by it in our daily life's, but we must remember this life is only temporary!
So make a list of all the things you want in life, and the list is yours so make it limitless! Then, pray over those things in which you desire, and pray they don't consume you; that they are second in your heart, and that out of everything you've listed you desire God's love the most!!
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