A Grateful heart ❤

What a blessing today is! God woke us up to start a new day! A fresh start! Forget about yesterday and focus on today! Focus your heart on all the things you are grateful for!

I woke up smiling because I was just thinking  of all the life experiences both good and bad God allowed me to good through...although I've never thought about it like this before.

 Honestly I went through a phase when I was mad at God! I blamed him for a lot of unfortunate circumstances, things that were out of my control, but I felt he could have controlled certain things! It just doesn't work like that! He will allow us to be tested..Jesus was tested for 40days!

I know God doesn't hurt us! Once my heart healed I was able to blame myself for putting myself in certain situations, or ignoring God, or his warning signs to me!

We must be grateful! Every lesson is a blessing! Every trial makes us stronger; developing us into the men/women we are destined to become!

Much love you guys!

See you on Monday 🎀


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