
Some of you know what I do for a living and some of you dont; I'm a flight attendant! I love what I do! Saturday night, late at night I had a flight and literally the worst turbulence of my life! 
I started to kind of panic like "Lord forgive me of all my sins", then I thought my goodness this is just not how I want to die (I shouldn't think like that I know), all of a sudden as we were dropping and bumping everywhere I said "I'm not scared, because God is right here and I have a blog to write and people to tell I LOVE YOU TO!
Our life's can sometimes be like turbulence, lots of up and downs...just bumpy! With God we can find a stable balance..whenever we go through life's stroms, we need to just face it head on saying "I'm not afraid, because I KNOW THAT GOD IS RIGHT BY MY SIDE! ..and with him I can move mountains!"

I pray that today you face life head on knowing you're not alone, your protector has his arms wrapped around you and is shielding you from all harm! Also that you don't take for granted the people you love in life, kiss and hug them and let them know; we never know when it'll be the last time!


  1. Amen! Thank you for your powerful testimony!!

    -Andreana Jules

  2. Amen! Thank you for your powerful testimony!!

    -Andreana Jules


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