You're not in Control

It's not God why? It's God thank you...for protecting me even when I don't fully understand what you're up to. For loving me..I know sometimes I'm a very difficult person. For never giving up on me when I find it hard to trust you. For remaining the same and always being constant in my life!

At church last night I was reminded of the fact that God will never give you anything that draws you away from him! So think over your situation and evaluate why you could possibly be having so many issues...maybe what you thought was God sent wasn't at all. Remember the devil gives too..

The bible tells us in Romans 6:20 and in John 8:34...that he who lives in sin is a slave to sin and freed from the control of righteousness...let's not longer be slaves, break the chains, take the limits we put on God off and let's give him total control! I'm positive our situations will turn around!

My prayer for today is that we just give God all control!


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