
Sometimes the best thing we can do is sit back and listen. Become an observer, observe the situation we may be in, listen to detail..sometimes God can be revealing things to you through other people without them even knowing! Ever heard the saying, "you can learn a lot more by being quiet, than you can from talking"?..

If you're in an unsure situation, for example a bad relationship, or whatever you're case may be. We have our intuitions of course God gave us that but he also loves when we come to him for help! Ask God to reveal some things to you, and I'm telling you once you get silent, everything around you seems to get loud!

When we pray I don't know about you but I think it's important to take a second and just pause, that is our time to I've only experience one time when I truly felt I heard the Lord speak to me like loud and clear...and idk at that point in my life actually not to long ago I was at a really low point. I actually wasn't seeking my happiness from God but from another person. Now one thing I've learned time after time is people will always disappoint matter what! We are all human lol we can't help it, but anyway I had kept asking God to speak to me I needed to hear from like desperately!

Well it was one day I had like the whole day to I spent the day crying..yall I was really low! But I also spent the day praying, and in the mist of all that I think I was dozing off back and forth, well at some point I heard him so crystal clear! And he told me "Focus on me and I'll take care of the rest"... of course I wanted more, but I didn't get it lol..I want God to respond to me like my mom would but I just don't think it works like that...

My prayer for today is that we listen, and be patient! That we remember everything doesn't happen on our timing but on his! We gotta know who is in control, and that it isn't us! Also that we seek joy, happiness , and peace from him!  ** Don't put that pressure on anyone else, honestly it's just not fair, and you're setting your self up for disappointment!


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