Be Happy

Happiness starts with you! It's not something you get from money, material things, or even other people! Once you find true joy through God within yourself, that other stuff serves as a bonus!

The crazy thing is once you realize the key to happiness, or joy, or peace, you can have all kinds of disasters going on, but it really won't phase you. Everyone will be looking at you like what is she/he so happy about, with everything going on they'll expect you to be miserable! They won't understand!

Being happy is definitely a choice! Just like love! We get that choice, everything isn't always peaches and cream, but every situation doesn't always have to create sadness, find the joy in it. Today I hope you choose your happiness over everything.


  1. Thank you
    I often find myself right in those folds of despair, relying on others for My happiness. Never gonna make it that way. : Just for today:
    I promise to relish in the gifts of life, love live, and that is where my happiness will come
    Thank you God

  2. Thank you
    I often find myself right in those folds of despair, relying on others for My happiness. Never gonna make it that way. : Just for today:
    I promise to relish in the gifts of life, love live, and that is where my happiness will come
    Thank you God

    1. Yessss! You got it ❤ we do it, but the 1st step is realizing, and then changing! So you have the right mindset, keep pushing!

      *Reckless Romantic, keeping you in my prayers!

  3. I'm going to find my joy again

    1. You find it broski ❤ and if I can help in will! Love you


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