Be Specific! 🙏

Ever heard someone say, "Be careful what you ask you , you just might get it"?

Well, that is so true! In Luke 11, Jesus teaches us how to pray! He also goes on to say "If you ask, you shall receive"! Be mindful, it doesn't come on your timing, but it comes when the Lord feels we are ready! That means your heart has to be ready, your mind has to be focused on him, and you have to have FAITH!

Ever ask for something, and get it;but it wasn't at all what you expected? From material things to relationships, jobs, etc.! Think back to when you were praying for these things... Now, ask yourself how specific you were with God? Often times we pray general prayers, but we give him no juice! He wants our details, just like we want the "tea"!

I've received some answered prayers that actually turned out to be some of my biggest lessons, because I wasn't specific!; and  because sometimes I'd be asking (begging) God for the very things he was saying NO to! He definitely showed me he knows best! (Lol) and it surely wasn't me! I've learned that I only want what God wants for me!

I pray that when we talk to God about the desires of our heart, that we are very specific! Also that our hearts align with his; so that the things we desire are the very things he wants for us! 


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