Learning to let go!

We must learn when it's time to let people go! If it's toxic to your life and the life you're trying to have, let it go! We have a tendency to allow people who are poisonous to us become our drug! We are addicts for them and we can't stop. We have tendency to believe we can't make it without them, they are all we have..well that's not true!

Upstairs is a man longing for your love, giving you the very thing that you desire that you may feel you've been lacking! Upstairs is a man who says, don't be foolish get off drugs I have something better for you!

I'm here to tell you first hand, I've been on drugs for a very long time..just going back and forth in a toxic relationship, hoping, praying, and wishing things would change, things would get better. As I started falling more in love with Christ I started to realize that I wasn't loving myself at all! Know your worth! (..and I know that's cliche, but it's true) You deserve the same love you give out, and better. Especially my ladies going through it, YOU ARE THE PRIZE!

When you pray for something in your life , pray for it and let it go! When you send money off to pay your bills you don't stress over them, because you already know that they are taken care of; have that same feeling when you talk to your heavenly Father!

My prayer today is for God to open our eyes, make everything clear for us; for him to guide us. I pray he gives us strength to make the best decision for us and have increased faith!


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