He's been GOOD!

Where would I be if God wasn't so good to me? Can you answer that..?

I want you to actually think about a time or a few times (lol if your like me it's a few) when you've been in a situation that you didn't know how you'd get out, or placed yourself right in the center of harms way!
     ***Thinking ***   ok you got it?!

....Man I've made some bad, impulsive, careless, stupid mistakes! Most people call that young and dumb, or naive! Honestly some situations I've put myself in I'm totally thankful God protected me from harm.

The things we watch on TV that happen to other people, we don't think it can happen to us..the fact is it can, we have to stayed prayed up! Listen to our protective instincts, and think before we act!

Let's thank him for being so darn GOOD to us! Yeah we may have been through some rough times, but you are here standing in purpose and he has a plan specifically for you! Seek that! Seek him!


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