
Keep seeking God so we won't be deceived! Be very selective, it's ok to be "choosy", when deciding who to allow in your world! That just means you are at a point when you know exactly what you're looking for and also what you want! So many people don't know what they are looking for, so they just rush into situations out of fear of being lonely! Because of charm, and beauty!

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 NIV

Let me tell you something; being single doesn't equal loneliness! You should have a time in life to just learn yourself, grow with God and allow him to transform you into someone who's ready to be a spouse, a mother, a father! When you allow God in, you won't be distracted by charm or beauty; because you'll have crystal clear vision and you'll see that everything that glitters ain't gold!! The bible teaches us not to be deceived by outter appearance, we should look beyond and see the heart!

In the heart, we should find someone who cares to motivate us, to inspire us, and not push Christ down our throats but love on us and lead as an example! Someone who is equally yoked! Don't be fooled, guard your heart, and ask God for guidance! If we are actively seeking God, it will be very difficult to be deceived, because his grace, and he blessings will chase us down! Our hearts, minds, and soul will be open to him, and he will block deception!


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