🐝 Busy Busy Bee's 🐝

Being busy is a blessing don't get me wrong but when it comes to the Lord we better get unbusy! Today's blog was inspired by a friend of mine; just a conversation we had about being distracted with everything that's going in our life's, how it's so easy to miss out on the signals God gives us.

Sometimes in life we get so busy with our daily life that we miss out on the little things that matter! It's important to take a break from everything going on in our day to day life and relax. Have quality time with the Lord; listen for him when he speaks to us. Reset our hearts and our minds and just focus on him!

Just to throw this out there studies show that those who take time to themselves on a regular basis live healthier lives! Plus it's good to have some "me" time and time alone with the Lord!

Today I pray that we make time for him, to just listen; also that we take some personal time for ourselves to just reset, relax our bodies and minds from our busy lifestyles!

See you guys on Monday 💋


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