What is Love

•Love initiates it doesn't wait.
(Love ain't waiting for something to love it back it just LOVES)

•Love is a sacrifice

•Love is committed

•Love is continuous

•Love is eternal (gives you life)

The bible tells us exactly what God considers love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7!

** For most of us Love is a lot of work..

The term (I love you) is so freely used and mostly by people who don't understand the true meaning of love! You can't understand how to love, unless you first experience the love of God! Unconditional love. Highly forgiving love, forever love! The closest we probably come to this is the love we'd or we have for our children. Just imagine the way you feel about you kids...God feels that way about you times a billion!! We are his children and he is crazy about us!

I pray we learn to love more like Christ, I pray we are more open hearted and more forgiving!

....We have made it through another week see you all on Monday!

Much love


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