You Are The Light Of The World!

Kind of like when you have a baby (or know someone with a baby) and everyone completely ignores the parents and goes straight for the baby! The baby is ALL they see! The parents get acknowledgement sometime later, lol you know, it's just like "OH, HEYYYY"! (Slick forgot about you)..but lately my mindset hasn't even been on me, I've been so focused on forming a stronger bond with my heavenly Father; that I pray, you don't see me at all, you just see him! Just as the baby, Jesus is ALL you see! Acknowledge me later!!!
Maybe you are already where I'm striving to be, maybe you're on this journey as well! When you see me, I pray all you see is the God in me, and B line straight towards that! I pray his light shines so bright it blinds you; because I tell you, it just feels so darn good to be worry free because you know God's got that, stress free God's got that, heart broken? Who? God's got that too!!!!
Just lay all your burdens down, willingly hand them over to him, he wants to take care of us! Just allow his glory to shine through you! Allow him to use you! I promise you it's an amazing feeling! That joy gotta come from somewhere! You don't get that from ya momma! It comes from one place, your Heavenly Father!
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