To Live Self Controlled

The bible tells us to live self controlled (Titus 2:12)... Do you know how hard it is to be on a diet and control those cravings for food you know you can't have?! Or to be in a non martial relationship and refrain from having sexual intercourse? I knowwwwww yall know! It's hard!!!

You know God could easily make us do what he ask of us, and it'd probably be better..but would we be happy? Most likely not! So he gives us free will to do as we please and he just ask us to not live worldly but godly lives and have self control!

The more we focus our lives on him, the deeper our connection to him, the easier it is to live a life with control through him! Celibacy for me has been the greatest challenge of forming self discipline and self control!
You know we aren't perfect so don't ever beat yourself up about it, because, we are going to fail, but it's ok, to just ask for forgiveness and start over!
**Now that doesn't mean try the Lord! The bible also tells us not to test him! (Luke 4:12)**

I pray we learn to life lives with more self control! That we can say NO to our own fleshly desires and make decisions that are pleasing in the Lord's sight!


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